COVID-19 Advisory & Updates

At Dynamic Physical Therapy, the health and safety of our patients and employees is our top priority. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has redefined the standards for clinical operations. To continue providing the safest environment to protect the health of our employees and our patients, we have made significant changes to our protocols.

We continue to closely monitor all available information relating to the COVID-19. As is always the case, the well-being and safety of our patients and our staff is our top priority. We are adhering to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations on the Coronavirus, and we encourage you to do the same using the following link –

We support and follow mandates issued by our local and federal agencies. We are regularly adapting our operations according to the safeguards they outline as best practices. As an essential service, we understand it is our obligation to abide by the highest levels of sanitation and safety standards.

As we have instructed our staff, we ask that no one come to our clinics if they are experiencing respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills or fatigue. Please do not hesitate to contact the clinic directly if you have any questions or concerns. We intend on assisting everyone that is part of the Dynamic Community as we work through this process.

Significant changes that have been made in the recent few weeks:

  • Some of our Locations are Open – Our numerous locations are an advantage to us and have allowed us to consolidate where we treat patients in-clinic while our patient volumes have slowed.
  • Telehealth Appointments Are Now Available for new and existing patients. We have launched as a way for our patients to continue their physical or occupational therapy at home as we know some patients may not be comfortable in-clinic at the moment. You can now meet with our licensed therapists via smartphone, tablet, or web browser. More information and how to book here.
  • In-Home Physical Therapy for acute new patient evaluations and Medicare patients. This is currently available in limited areas, please give us a call to know more.
  • Non Touch & Digital Where Applicable – We have redesigned our website and have updated all digital platforms to assist you better. All the forms are now handled through the website. This also helps us be environmentally conscious by using less paper.

While we can not predict what will happen in the coming weeks, we will remain 100% dedicated to helping you continue on your journey to healing. Thank you for your continued trust.

May 11th 2020Update: Our Glen Oaks, Flushing and Richmond Hill locations have reopened.
May 13th 2020Update: We now offer the first of it’s kind COVID-19 Rehabilitation Program. Click the button below for more info.

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